Bowery Farms
A series of videos for web content I've been whipping up. Visual accompaniments to caption copy about sustainable farming, global statistics, or just a fun plant fact.
FACT: The Earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants
The US alone wastes $160Bn/year on food that is thrown away and 40% of the food we grow goes uneaten
FACT: The agriculture industry uses 70% of the world’s freshwater, a disturbingly finite resource.
Plants are thought to be sentient beings and although they may be deaf, they can feel, see, smell and remember, according to plant biologist Daniel Chamovitz.
Kale is part of the same plant family as kale, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.
70,000 plant species are utilized for medicine.
The name “basil” comes from the Latin “basilius” and the Greek “basilikon phuton” meaning “royal/kingly plant”, possibly because it was believed to have been used to make royal perfumes. And we can see why. Bowery Basil is known to make our kitchen smell like we’re on vacation in Italy, plus it’s good on just about everything. We salute you, royal herb.
If you store lettuce next to bananas, apples, pears, or tomatoes the ethylene that these fruits give off will brown the lettuce prematurely.
Before 2012, rumor has it that the largest buyer of kale was Pizza Hut, who used the curly leaves as décor along their salad bar.
Bok Choy is sometimes called a soup spoon because of the shape of its leaves.